Control Tower

SLI supply chain control tower is one central & global hub based in Hong Kong with the required technology, organization, and processes to capture and use supply chain data to provide enhanced visibility for short- and long-term decision-making that is aligned with your strategic objectives. It offers you increased transparency, flexibility and agility on a global scale.

It is dedicated to our clients that require such a coordination service at a premium. It usually involves the supply chain of expensive cargo such as valuable samples and proofs of concept, art and collection pieces, specific materials for fairs & exhibitions, installation and calibration tools, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals.

We base our control tower on SLI proprietary web-based IT system named "SLI control tower". It functions as the link between you (our customer) and all the logistics service providers we may use in your supply chain process, including our own operations. It offers you SLI maximized service levels through request tracking and incident handling, with history logs that generate traceability & analytics. Although we customize it for every customer, its structure includes:

  • Order fulfillment

  • Transport management

  • Returns management

  • Inventory management

  • Visibility & monitoring (tracking & tracing)

  • Request & deviation management

  • Repairs, replacements & calibration management

Adittionally, it is cutomized to give you a user-friendly and customized access, so you can constantly monitor in real time the location of your shipments, the level of your stocks, the status of an order, the placing of an order, and many more functions on our mobile app built on iPhone and Android, as well as on any PC, tablet, and laptop.

For more information about SLI information technology solutions, please contact your local SLI representative.